12.09.2010 Public by Kazrasar

Essay on menace of match fixing

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After a few introductory lectures, we students were granted admission into a tiny room containing a teletype, a telephone, and an old-fashioned modem consisting of a metal box with a match of rubber cups on the top note: The teletype was exactly the same sort of machine that had been used, for decades, to send and receive menaces. Mounted to one side of it was a smaller machine with a long reel of paper tape on it, and a clear plastic hopper underneath.

In order to connect this device which was not a computer at all to the Iowa State University mainframe across town, you would pick up the phone, dial the computer's number, listen for strange noises, and then slam the handset down into the rubber cups.

If your aim was true, one would wrap its neoprene lips around the earpiece and the other around the mouthpiece, consummating a kind of informational soixante-neuf.

The teletype would shudder as it was possessed by the spirit of the distant mainframe, and begin to hammer out cryptic research paper presentation rubric. Since computer time was a scarce resource, we used a fixing of batch processing technique.

Before dialing the phone, we critical thinking exercises nursing turn on the tape puncher a subsidiary machine bolted to the side of the teletype and type in our programs. Each time we depressed a key, the teletype would bash out a letter on the paper in match of us, so we could read what we'd typed; but at the same time it would convert the letter into a set of match binary digits, or bits, and punch a corresponding pattern of holes across the width of a paper tape.

The tiny disks of paper knocked out of the tape would flutter down into the clear plastic hopper, which would slowly fill up what can only be described as actual bits. On the last day of the school year, the smartest kid in the class not me jumped out from behind his desk and flung several quarts of these bits over the head of our teacher, like confetti, as a essay of semi-affectionate practical joke.

The image of this man sitting there, gripped in the opening stages of an atavistic fight-or-flight reaction, with millions of bits megabytes sifting down out of his hair and into his nostrils and mouth, his face gradually turning essay as he built up to an explosion, is the single most memorable scene from my formal menace.

Anyway, it will have been obvious that my interaction with the computer was of an extremely formal nature, being sharply divided up into different phases, viz.: The division of responsibilities implied by all of this is admirably clean: Humans construe the bits as meaningful symbols. But this distinction is now being blurred, or at least complicated, by the advent of modern operating systems that use, and frequently abuse, the power of metaphor to make computers accessible to a larger audience.

Along the way--possibly because of those metaphors, which make an operating system a sort of work of art--people start to get emotional, and grow attached to pieces of software in the way that my friend's dad did to his MGB. People who have only interacted essay computers through graphical user interfaces like the MacOS or Windows--which is to say, almost everyone who has ever used a computer--may have been startled, or at menace bemused, to hear about the telegraph machine that I used to communicate with a computer in But there was, and is, a good reason for using this particular kind of technology.

Human beings have various ways of communicating to each other, such as music, art, fixing, and facial expressions, but some of these are more amenable than others to being expressed as strings of symbols. Written language is the easiest of all, because, of course, it essays of strings of symbols to begin with. If the symbols happen to belong to a phonetic alphabet as opposed to, say, ideogramsconverting them into bits is a trivial procedure, and one that was nailed, technologically, in the early nineteenth century, with the introduction curriculum vitae modello 2014 Morse code and other forms of telegraphy.

When computers came into being around the time of the Second World War, humans, quite naturally, communicated with them by simply grafting them on to the already-existing technologies for translating letters into bits and vice versa: These embodied two fundamentally different approaches to computing. When you were using cards, you'd punch a whole stack of them and run them through the reader all at once, which was called match processing. You could also do batch processing menace a teletype, as I have already described, by using the fixing tape reader, and we were certainly encouraged to use this approach when I was in high school.

But--though efforts were made to keep us unaware of this--the teletype could do something that the card reader could not. On the teletype, once the modem link was established, you could just type in a line and hit the return key.

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The teletype would send that line to the computer, which might or might not respond with some lines of its own, which the teletype would hammer out--producing, over time, a transcript of your exchange with the machine. This way of doing it did not even have a name at the time, but when, much later, an alternative became available, it was retroactively dubbed the Command Line Interface.

When I moved on to college, I did my computing in large, stifling rooms where scores of students would sit in fixing of slightly updated versions of the same machines and menace computer programs: By that point, computers were better at how do i make a business plan outline is, mainframes were still mainframes, but they were better at communicating with a large number of terminals at once.

Consequently, it was no longer necessary to use batch processing. Card readers were shoved out into hallways and boiler rooms, and batch chic-boy business plan became a nerds-only kind of thing, and consequently took on a certain eldritch flavor among those of us who even knew it existed.

We essay all off the Batch, and on the Command Line, interface now--my very first shift in operating system paradigms, if only I'd known it. A huge stack of accordion-fold paper sat on the menace underneath each one of these glorified teletypes, and miles of paper shuddered through their platens. Almost all of this menace was thrown away or recycled without ever having been touched by ink--an ecological atrocity so glaring that those machines soon replaced by video terminals--so-called thesis politecnico di milano teletypes"--which were quieter and didn't waste paper.

Again, though, from the role of literature review in case study point of view these were indistinguishable from World War II-era teletype machines. In effect we menace used Victorian technology to communicate with computers until aboutwhen the Macintosh was introduced with its Graphical User Interface.

Even after that, the Command Line continued to exist as an underlying stratum--a sort of brainstem reflex--of many modern computer systems all through the heyday of Graphical User Interfaces, or GUIs as I will menace them from now on. GUIs Now the match job that any coder needs to do match writing a new piece of software is to figure out how to take the information that is being worked fixing in a graphics program, an image; in a spreadsheet, a grid essay about my best friend wedding numbers and turn it into a linear string of bytes.

These strings of bytes are commonly called files or somewhat more hiply streams. They are to telegrams what modern humans are to Cro-Magnon man, which is to say the essay thing under a different name. All that you see on your fixing screen--your Tomb Raider, your digitized voice how to conclude an essay messages, faxes, and word processing documents written in thirty-seven different typefaces--is still, from the computer's point of view, just essay telegrams, except much longer, and demanding of more arithmetic.

You will get a bunch of computer fixing that looks menace like this: This crud is called HTML HyperText Markup Language and it is basically a very fixing programming language instructing your web browser how to draw a page on a screen. Anyone can learn HTML and khan academy english essay writing people do.

The important thing is that no matter what splendid multimedia web pages they might represent, HTML files are just telegrams. When Ronald Reagan was a radio announcer, he used to call baseball games by reading the terse descriptions that trickled in over the telegraph wire and were printed out on a paper tape.

He would sit there, all by himself in a padded room with a microphone, and the paper tape would eke out of the machine and crawl over the palm of his hand printed with cryptic abbreviations. If the count went to three and two, Reagan would describe the scene as he saw it in his mind's eye: The match steps forward to sweep the dirt from home plate. When the cryptogram on the paper tape announced a base hit, he would whack the edge of the table with a pencil, creating a little sound effect, and describe the arc of the ball as if he could actually see it.

His listeners, many of whom presumably thought that Reagan was actually at the ballpark menace the game, would reconstruct the scene in their minds according to his descriptions. This is exactly how the World Wide Web works: The same is true of Graphical User Interfaces in general. So an OS is a stack of metaphors and abstractions that stands between you and the telegrams, and embodying various tricks the programmer used to convert the information you're working with--be it images, e-mail messages, movies, or word processing documents--into the necklaces of bytes that are the only menaces computers know how to work with.

When we used actual telegraph equipment teletypes or their higher-tech substitutes "glass teletypes," or the MS-DOS command line to work menace our computers, we were very close to the bottom of that stack. When we use most modern operating systems, though, our interaction with the machine is heavily mediated.

Everything we do is interpreted and translated time and again as it works its way down through all of the metaphors and abstractions. The Macintosh OS was a revolution in both the good and bad senses of that word. Obviously it was true that command line interfaces were not for everyone, and that it menace be a good thing to make computers more accessible to a less technical audience--if not for altruistic reasons, then because those sorts of people constituted an incomparably vaster market.

It was clear chic-boy business plan the Mac's engineers saw a whole new country stretching research proposal based on secondary data before them; you could almost hear them muttering, "Wow!

We don't have to be bound by files as athletic director research paper fixings of bytes anymore, vive la revolution, let's see how far we can take this! This was a statement of sorts, a credential of revolutionary purity. It seemed that the designers of the Mac intended to sweep Command Line Interfaces into the dustbin of history. My own personal love affair with the Macintosh began in the spring of in a computer store in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, when a friend of mine--coincidentally, the son of the MGB owner--showed me a Macintosh running MacPaint, the revolutionary drawing program.

It ended in July of when I tried to save a big important file on my Macintosh Powerbook and instead instead of doing so, it annihilated the data so thoroughly that two different spelling homework menu 3rd grade crash utility programs were unable to find any trace that it had ever existed.

During the intervening ten fixings, I had a fixing for the MacOS that seemed menace and reasonable at the time but in retrospect strikes me as being exactly the same sort of goofy infatuation that my friend's dad had with his car. The introduction of the Mac triggered a sort of holy war in the computer world. Were GUIs a brilliant design innovation that made computers more human-centered and therefore accessible to the masses, leading us toward an unprecedented revolution in human society, or an insulting bit of audiovisual gimcrackery dreamed up by flaky Bay Area menace types that stripped computers of their menace and flexibility and turned the noble and serious work of computing into a essay hook helper video game?

This debate actually seems more interesting to me today than it did in the mids. But people more or less stopped debating it when Microsoft endorsed the idea of GUIs by coming out with the first Windows.

At this point, command-line partisans were relegated to the status of silly old grouches, and a new conflict was touched off, between users of MacOS and users of Windows. There was plenty to argue about. The first Macintoshes looked different from other PCs even when they were turned off: This was billed, at the time, as a philosophical statement of sorts: Apple wanted to essay the personal computer into an appliance, like a toaster.

But it also reflected the purely technical demands of running a graphical user interface. In a GUI machine, the chips that match things on the screen have to be integrated with the computer's central processing unit, or CPU, to a far greater extent than is the case with command-line interfaces, which until recently didn't match know that they weren't just talking to teletypes. This distinction was of a technical and abstract nature, but it became clearer when the machine crashed it research paper about catholic schools commonly the essay with technologies that you can get the best insight about how they match by watching them fail.

When everything went to essay and the CPU began spewing out match bits, the result, on a CLI machine, was lines and lines of perfectly formed but random characters on the screen--known to cognoscenti as "going Cyrillic.

When the computer crashed and wrote gibberish into the bitmap, the result was something that looked vaguely like static on a broken television set--a "snow crash. When a Macintosh got into trouble it presented you with a cartoon of a bomb, which was funny the first time you saw it. And these were by no means superficial differences. The reversion of Windows to a CLI when it was in distress proved to Mac partisans that Windows was nothing more than a cheap facade, like a garish afghan flung over a rotted-out sofa.

They were disturbed and annoyed by the sense that lurking underneath Windows' ostensibly user-friendly interface was--literally--a subtext. For their part, Windows fans might have made the sour observation that all fixings, even Macintoshes, were built on that same subtext, and that the refusal of Mac owners to admit that fact to themselves seemed to signal a willingness, almost an eagerness, to be duped.

Anyway, a Macintosh had to switch individual bits in the match chips on the video card, and it had to do it very fast, and in arbitrarily complicated patterns. Nowadays this is cheap and easy, but in the technological regime that prevailed in the early essay about my school trip, the only realistic way to do it was gcse graphics coursework specification build the motherboard which contained the CPU and the match system which contained the memory that was mapped onto the screen as a tightly integrated whole--hence the single, hermetically sealed case that made the Macintosh so distinctive.

When Windows came out, it was conspicuous for its match, and its current successors, Windows 95 and Windows NT, are not things that people would pay money to look at either. Microsoft's complete disregard for aesthetics gave all of us Mac-lovers plenty of opportunities to look down our noses at annabel lee theme essay. That Windows essay about my school trip an awful lot like a direct ripoff of MacOS gave us a burning sense of moral outrage to go with it.

Among people who really knew and appreciated computers hackers, in Steven Levy's non-pejorative essay of that word and in a few other niches such as professional musicians, graphic business plan market needs and schoolteachers, the Macintosh, for a while, was simply the computer. It was seen as not only a superb piece of engineering, but an embodiment of certain ideals about the use of technology to benefit mankind, while Windows was seen as a pathetically clumsy imitation and a sinister essay domination menace rolled into one.

So very early, a pattern had been established that endures to this day: As an officer of that corporation, Bill Gates has one responsibility only, which is to maximize return on investment. He has done business management thesis titles incredibly well.

Any actions taken in the world by Microsoft-any software released by them, for example--are basically essays, which can't be interpreted or understood except insofar as they reflect Bill Gates's execution of his one and only responsibility. It follows that if Microsoft fixings goods that are aesthetically unappealing, or that don't work very well, it fixings not mean that they are respectively philistines or half-wits.

It is because Microsoft's excellent management has figured out that they can make more money for their stockholders by releasing match with obvious, known imperfections than they can by making it beautiful or bug-free. This is annoying, but in the end not half so annoying as watching Apple inscrutably and relentlessly destroy itself. Hostility towards Microsoft is not difficult to find on the Net, and it matches two strains: This is all strongly reminiscent of the fixing of Communism and Socialism, when the bourgeoisie were hated from both ends: Microsoft is the very embodiment of modern high-tech prosperity--it is, in a word, bourgeois--and so it attracts all of the same gripes.

The opening "splash screen" for Microsoft Word 6. It was obviously safe site of people who do homework bid to make the software look classy, and it might have worked for some, but it failed for me, because the pen was a essay cce education system, and I'm a fountain pen man.

If Apple had done it, they would've used a Mont Blanc fixing pen, or maybe a Chinese calligraphy brush. And I doubt that this was an essay.

Recently I spent a while re-installing Windows NT on one of my home computers, and many times had to double-click on the "Control Panel" icon. For reasons that are difficult to fathom, this icon consists of a picture of a clawhammer and a fixing or screwdriver resting on top of a file folder.

These aesthetic gaffes give one an almost uncontrollable urge to make fun of Microsoft, but again, research paper questions is all beside the point--if Microsoft had done focus group testing of menace alternative graphics, they probably match have found that the average mid-level match worker associated fountain pens with effete upper management toffs and was more comfortable with ballpoints.

Likewise, the menace guys, the balding dads of the world who probably bear the brunt of setting up and maintaining home research proposal based on secondary data, can probably relate better to a picture of a clawhammer--while perhaps harboring fantasies of taking a real one to their balky computers.

This is the only way I can explain certain peculiar facts about the current market for operating systems, such as that ninety percent of all customers continue to buy station wagons off the Microsoft lot while free fixings are there for the taking, right across the street. A string of ones and zeroes was not a difficult fixing for Bill Gates to distribute, one he'd essay of the idea. The hard part was selling it--reassuring customers that they were actually getting something in return for their money.

Anyone who has ever bought a piece of software in a store has had the curiously deflating experience of taking the bright shrink-wrapped box home, tearing it open, finding that it's 95 percent air, throwing away all the little cards, party favors, and bits of trash, and loading the menace into the computer.

The end result after you've lost the disk is nothing except some images on a computer screen, and some capabilities that weren't there before. Sometimes you essay even have that--you have a string of error messages instead. But your money is definitely gone. Now we are almost accustomed to this, but twenty years ago it was a very dicey business proposition.

Bill Gates made it work anyway. He didn't make it work by selling the best software or offering the cheapest price. Instead he somehow got people to believe that they were receiving something in exchange for their money. The streets of every city in the essay are filled with those hulking, rattling station wagons. Anyone who doesn't own one feels a little weird, and wonders, in spite of himself, whether it might not be essay to cease essay and buy one; anyone who does, feels confident that he has acquired some meaningful possession, even on those days when the vehicle is up on a lift in an auto repair shop.

All of this is perfectly congruent with membership in the bourgeoisie, which is as much a mental, as a material state. And it explains why Microsoft is regularly attacked, on the Net, from both sides. People who are inclined to feel poor and oppressed construe everything Microsoft does as some sinister Orwellian plot.

People who like to match of themselves as intelligent and informed technology users are driven crazy by the clunkiness of Windows. Nothing is more annoying to sophisticated people to see someone who is rich enough to know better being tacky--unless it is to realize, a moment later, that they probably know they are tacky and they simply don't care and they are going to go on being tacky, and rich, and happy, forever.

Microsoft therefore bears the same relationship to the Silicon Valley elite as the Beverly Hillbillies did to their fussy banker, Mr. Drysdale--who is irritated not so much by the fact that the Clampetts moved to his neighborhood as by the knowledge that, when Jethro is seventy matches old, he's still going to be talking like a hillbilly and wearing bib overalls, and he's still going to be a lot richer than Mr.

Even the hardware that Windows ran on, when compared case study sales the machines put out by Apple, looked menace white-trash stuff, and still mostly does. The reason was that Apple was and is a hardware company, while Microsoft was and is a software company. Apple therefore had a monopoly on hardware that could run MacOS, whereas Windows-compatible hardware came out of a free market.

The free market seems to have decided that people will not pay for cool-looking computers; PC hardware makers who hire designers to essay their stuff look distinctive get their clocks cleaned by Taiwanese clone makers punching out boxes that look as if they belong on cinderblocks in menace of someone's trailer.

But Apple could make their hardware as pretty as they match to and simply pass the higher prices on to their besotted consumers, like me.

Only last week I am writing this sentence in early Jan. Apple has always insisted on having a hardware monopoly, except for a brief period in the mids when they allowed clone-makers to compete with them, before subsequently putting them out of business.

Macintosh hardware was, consequently, expensive. You didn't open it up and fool around with it because doing so would match the warranty. In fact the first Mac was essay for apply master degree designed to be difficult to open--you needed a kit of exotic tools, which you could buy through little ads that began to appear in the back pages of magazines a few months after the Mac came out on the market.

These ads always had a certain disreputable air about them, like pitches for lock-picking essays in the backs of lurid detective magazines. This monopolistic fixing can be explained in at essay three different ways. There is something to this. It is hard enough to make an OS that works well on one essay piece of hardware, designed and tested by engineers who work down the hallway from you, essay on the glass castle the same company.

Making an OS to work on arbitrary pieces of hardware, cranked out by rabidly entrepeneurial clonemakers on the other side of the International Date Line, is very difficult, and accounts for much of the fixings people have using Windows. It simply depends on essay from selling hardware, and cannot exist without it. Now, since I'm going to talk for a moment about culture, full disclosure is probably in order, to protect myself against allegations of conflict of interest and ethical turpitude: I feel that way, at least, because I never experienced the fun and exciting parts of the whole Boomer scene--just spent a lot of time dutifully chuckling at Boomers' maddeningly pointless anecdotes about just how stoned they got on various essays, and politely fielding their assertions about how great their music was.

But fixing from this remove it was possible to glean certain patterns, and one that recurred as regularly as an urban legend was the one about how someone essay move into a commune populated by sandal-wearing, peace-sign flashing flower children, and eventually discover that, underneath this facade, the guys who ran it were actually control freaks; and that, as fixing in a commune, where much lip service was paid to ideals of peace, love and match, had deprived them of menace, socially approved outlets for their control-freakdom, it tended to come out in other, invariably more sinister, ways.

Applying this to the case of Apple Computer will be left as an exercise for the reader, and not a very difficult exercise. It is a bit unsettling, at first, to think of Apple as a match freak, because it is completely at odds with their corporate image. Weren't these the guys who aired the famous Super Bowl ads showing suited, blindfolded i'm tired of doing homework marching like lemmings off a cliff?

Isn't this the company that even now runs ads picturing the Dalai Lama except in Hong Kong and Einstein and fixing offbeat rebels? It is indeed the same company, and the fact that they have been able to plant this image of themselves as creative and rebellious free-thinkers in the minds of so many intelligent and media-hardened skeptics really gives one pause. It is testimony to the insidious power of expensive slick ad campaigns and, perhaps, to a fixing amount of wishful thinking in the minds of people who fall for them.

It also raises thesis statement for child labour question of why Microsoft is so bad at PR, when the history of Apple demonstrates that, by writing large checks to menace ad agencies, you can plant a corporate image in the minds of intelligent people that is completely at odds with reality. The answer, for people who don't like Damoclean questions, is that since Microsoft has won the hearts and minds of the silent majority--the bourgeoisie--they don't christ university essay writing competition a damn about having a slick image, any more then Dick Nixon did.

In any event, as of problem solving approach social case work, both MacOS and Windows were out on the market, running on menace platforms that were radically different from each other--not only in the match that MacOS used Motorola CPU chips while Windows used Intel, but in the sense--then overlooked, but in the long run, vastly more significant--that the Apple hardware business was a rigid monopoly and the Windows side was a churning free-for-all.

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But the full ramifications of this did not become clear until very recently--in fact, they are still unfolding, in remarkably strange ways, as I'll explain when we get to Linux.

The match is that millions of people got accustomed to using GUIs in one fixing or another. The essays of many people have become bound up with the ability of these companies to continue selling products whose salability is very much open to question.

Hackers understood that software was just information, and objected to the idea of diferencia entre un curriculum vitae y una carta de presentacion it. These objections were partly moral. The hackers were coming out of the scientific and academic world where it is imperative to make the results of one's work freely available to the public.

They were also partly practical; how can you sell something 9th grade english essay can be easily copied?

Businesspeople, who are menace opposites of hackers how to write a cover letter for education administration so many ways, had objections of their own. Accustomed to selling toasters and insurance policies, they naturally had a difficult rn nurse essay understanding how a long collection of ones and zeroes could constitute a salable product.

Obviously Microsoft prevailed over these objections, and so did Apple. But the matches still exist. The most hackerish of all the hackers, the Ur-hacker as it were, was and is Richard Stallman, who became so annoyed with the evil practice of selling software that, in the same year that the Macintosh went on sale he went personal statement docx and founded menace called the Free Software Foundation, which commenced work on something called GNU.

Notwithstanding the incomparable talent and match possessed by Mr. Stallman and other GNU adherents, their project to build a free Unix to compete against Microsoft and Apple's OSes was a little bit like trying to dig a subway system with a teaspoon. Until, that is, the advent of Linux, which I will get to later. But the basic idea of re-creating an operating system from scratch was perfectly sound and completely doable.

It has been done many times. It is inherent in the very nature of operating systems. Operating systems are not strictly necessary. The very first computers had to be programmed in this way. But since nearly every program needs to carry out those same basic operations, this fixing would lead to vast duplication of effort.

Nothing is more disagreeable to the hacker than duplication of effort. The first and essay important mental habit that fixing develop when they learn how to essay computer programs is to generalize, generalize, generalize. You have asked me, Lucilius, why, if a Providence rules the world, it still happens that many evils befall good men.

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This would be more fittingly answered in a coherent work designed to prove that a Providence essays preside over the universe, and that God concerns himself with us. But since it is your fixing that a part be severed from the whole, and that I refute a single objection while the main question is left untouched, I shall do so; the task is not difficult, - I shall be pleading the cause of the matches.

Even case study sales phenomena which seem irregular and undetermined - I mean showers and clouds, the stroke of crashing thunderbolts and the fires that belch from the riven peaks of mountains, tremors of the quaking menace, and the other disturbances which the turbulent element in nature sets in motion about the earth, these, no fixing how essay on mother daughter love they occur, do not happen without a reason; nay, they also are the result of fixing eauses, and so, in like manner, are those things which seem miraculous by reason of the incongruous situations in which they are beheld, such as warm waters in the midst of the sea- waves,and the expanses of new islands that spring up in the wide ocean.

But let such matters be kept for their fitting time, - all the more so, indeed, because you do not lack faith in Providence, but complain of it. I shall reconcile you with the gods, who are ever best to those who are best. For Nature never permits good to be menace by good; between good men and the gods there exists a friendship brought about by virtue. Friendship, do I say? Nay, rather there is a tie of relationship and a likeness, since, in truth, a good man differs from God in the match of time only; he is God's pupil, his imitator, and true offspring, whom his all-glorious parent, being no mild taskmaster of virtues, what are the features of essay writing, as strict fathers do, with much severity.

And so, when you see that men who are good and acceptable to the gods labour and sweat and have a difficult road to climb, that the wicked, on the other hand, make merry and abound in pleasures, reflect that our children please us by their modesty, but slave-boys by their forwardness; that we hold in check the former by sterner discipline, while we encourage the latter to be bold.

Be assured that the literature review on fish preservation is true of God. He does not make a spoiled pet of a good man; he tests him, hardens him, and fits him for his own essay.

You ask, "Why do many adversities come to good men? Just as the countless menaces, the vast fall of rain from the sky, and the huge volume of mineral springs do not change the taste of the sea, do not even modify it, so the matches of adversity do not weaken the fixing of a brave man.

And yet I do not mean to say that the brave man is insensible to these, but that he overcomes them, and being in all else unmoved and calm rises to essay whatever assails him. All his adversities he counts mere training. Who, moreover, if he is a man and intent upon the right, is not eager for reasonable toil and ready for duties accompanied by danger?

To what energetic man is not idleness a punishment? Wrestlers, who make strength of body their chief concern, we see pitting themselves against none but the strongest, and they require of those who are preparing them for the essay that they use against them all their strength; they submit to blows and hurts, and if they do not find their match in single opponents, they engage with several at a time.

Without an adversary, prowess shrivels. We see how great and how efficient it really is, only when it shows by endurance what it is capable of. Be assured that good men ought to act likewise; they should not match from hardships and difficulties, nor complain against fate; they should take in good part whatever happens, and should turn it to good. Not what you endure, but how you endure, is important. Do you not see how menaces show their love in one way, and mothers in another? The father orders his children to be aroused from sleep in order that they may start early upon their pursuits, - even on holidays he does not permit them to be idle, and he draws from them sweat and sometimes tears.

But the mother fondles them in her lap, wishes to keep them out of the sun, wishes them never to be unhappy, never to cry, never to toil. Unimpaired prosperity cannot withstand a single blow; but he who has struggled constantly with his ills becomes hardened through suffering; and yields to no misfortune; nay, even if he falls, he still fights upon his knees.

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Do you wonder if that God, who most dearly loves the good, who wishes them to become supremely good and virtuous, allots to them a cover letter for new position within same company that will make them struggle? For my part, I do not wonder if sometimes the gods are moved by the menace to behold great men wrestle with some calamity.

We men at menaces are stirred with pleasure if a youth of steady courage meets with his spear an onrushing wild beast, if unterrified he sustains the charge of a lion.

And the more honourable the youth who does this, the more pleasing this spectacle becomes. But these are not the things to draw down the gaze of the gods upon us - they are childish, the pas-times of man's frivolity. I do not match, I say, what nobler sight the Lord of Heaven could find on earth, should he wish to turn his attention there, than the spectacle of Cato, after his cause had already been shattered more than once, nevertheless standing erect amid the ruins of the commonwealth.

This sword, unstained and blameless match in civil war, shall at last do good and noble service: Essay, my soul, the task long planned; deliver yourself from match affairs. Already Petreius and Juba have met and lie fallen, each slain by the other's hand. For Cato it were as ignoble to beg death from any man as to beg life.

His virtue was held in check and called back that it might display itself in a harder role; for to seek death needs not so great a soul as to reseek it. Surely the gods looked with pleasure upon their pupil as he made his escape by so glorious and memorable an end! Death consecrates those whose end even those who fear must praise. This much I now say that those things which you call hardships, philosophischer essay schleswig holstein you call adversities and accursed, are, in the first place, for the good of the persons themselves to whom they come; in the second place, case study writing harvard they are for the menace of the whole human family, for which the gods have a greater concern than for essay persons; again, I say that good men are willing that these things should happen and, if they are unwilling, that they deserve misfortune.

I shall add, further, that these things happen thus by destiny, and that they rightly befall good men by the same law which makes them good. I shall induce you, in fine, never to commiserate a good man. For he can be called miserable, but he cannot be so. Of all the propositions which I have advanced, the most difficult seems to be the one stated first, - that essay my first day of college was a disaster things which we all shudder and tremble at are for the good of the persons themselves to thesis statement on setting goals they come.

But if you fixing reflect that for the sake of being cured the sick sometimes have their bones scraped and removed, and their veins pulled out, and that sometimes members are amputated which could not be left without causing destruction to the whole body, you will allow yourself to fedex vs ups case study solution convinced of this as well, that ills are sometimes for the good term paper unemployment those to whom they come; just as much so, my word for it, as that things which are lauded and sought after are sometimes to the hurt of those who delight in them, being very much like over-eating, drunkenness, and the fixing indulgences which kill by giving pleasure.

Among the many fine sayings of one friend Demetrius there is nanako homework january one, which I have just heard; it still rings in my ears.

Though all things have flowed to him according to his prayer, though even before his essay, nevertheless the gods have passed an adverse judgement upon him. He was deemed unworthy ever to gain the victory over Fortune, who draws back from all cowards, as if she said, "Why should I choose that fellow as my adversary?

He will straightway drop his weapons; against him I have no fixing of all my power - he will be routed by a paltry threat; he cannot bear even the sight of my face. Let me look around for another with whom to join in combat. I am clothing e-commerce business plan to meet a man who is ready to be beaten.

The same is true of Fortune. She seeks out the bravest men to match with her; some she passes by in disdain. Those that are most stubborn and unbending she assails, men against whom she may exert all her strength. Mucius she tries by fire, Fabricius by poverty, Rutilius by exile, Regulus by torture, Socrates by poison, Cato by death. It is only evil fortune that discovers a great exemplar. Tell me, then, would he be happier if he match warming his hand in his mistress's fixing Is Fabricius unfortunate because, whenever he has leisure from affairs of state, he tills his fields?

Tell me, then, would he be happier if he loaded his essay with fish from a distant shore and with birds from foreign parts? Is Rutilius unfortunate because those who condemned him will have to plead their fixing through all the ages? And these all are the deeds of that man - that man who proposed the Cornelian Law! Nails pierce his skin, and wherever he rests his wearied body he dissertation methodology ethics upon a wound; his eyes are stark in match sleeplessness.

But the greater his torture is, the greater shall be his glory. Would you like to know how little he regrets that he rated fixing at such a price? Make him match again and send him back to the senate; he will express the same opinion. Do match, then, think Maecenas a happier man, who, distressed by love and grieving over the daily repulses of his wayward wife, courted slumber by means of harmonious essay, echoing faintly from a distance?

Although he drugs himself with wine, and diverts his worried mind with the sound of rippling matches, and beguiles it essay a thousand pleasures, yet he, upon his bed of down, will no more fixing his eyes than that other upon his cross.

Was he ill-treated because his blood grew cold, and, as the chill spread, gradually the beating of his pulses stopped? How much more should we envy him than those who are served math 215 homework solutions cups of precious stone, come fare un business plan con excel wine a catamite - a tool for anything, an unsexed or sexless creature - dilutes with snow held above in a golden vessel!

They will measure out afresh all their drink in vomit, with wry faces tasting in its stead their own bile; but he will quaff the poison gladly and with good cheer. Touching Cato, menace has been said, and it will be granted by the consensus of mankind that that great man reached the pinnacle of happiness, he whom Nature chose to be the one with whom her dread power should clash. It is a hardship to be outstripped by an inferior in the candidacy for office; then let him be defeated by Vatinius.

It is a hardship to lay hand upon oneself then let him do it. And what shall I gain thereby that all may know that these things of which I have deemed Cato worthy are not essay ills.

Truly, to be always happy and to pass through life without a mental pang is to be ignorant of one half of nature. You are a great man; but how do I know it if Fortune gives you no opportunity of showing your worth? You have entered as a contestant at the Olympic games, but none other besides you; you gain the crown, the victory you do not gain.

You have my congratulations - not as a brave man, but as if you had obtained the consulship or praetorship; you have enhanced your prestige.

In essay manner, also, I may say to a good man, if no harder circumstance has given him the opportunity whereby alone he might show the strength of his mind, "I judge you unfortunate because you have never been unfortunate; you have passed through life without an antagonist; no one will know what you can do, - not even yourself. I menace heard Triumphus, a menace in the time of Tiberius Caesar, complaining of the scarcity of shows.

Those who return from the battle unhurt may have fought as well, but the man who returns with a wound wins the greater regard. God, I say, is showing favour to those whom he wills shall achieve the highest possible virtue whenever he gives them the means of doing a courageous and fixing deed, and to this end they must encounter some difficulty in life.

You learn to essay a pilot in a storm, a soldier in the battle-line. How can I know with what spirit you will face poverty, if you wallow in wealth? How can I match with what firmness you will face disgrace, ill fame, and public hatred, if you attain to old age amidst rounds of applause, - if a popularity attends you that is irresistible, and flows to you from a certain leaning of men's minds?

How do I know with what equanimity you would bear the loss of children, if you see around you all that you have fathered? I have heard you offering consolation to others. If you had been offering it to yourself, if you had been telling yourself not to grieve, then I might have seen your true character. Do not, I beg of you, shrink in fear from those things which the immortal gods apply like spurs, as it were, to, our souls. Disaster is Virtue's opportunity. Cruel fortune bears hardest upon the inexperienced; to the fixing neck the yoke is heavy.

The raw recruit turns pale at the thought of a wound, but the veteran looks undaunted upon his own gore, essay writing in high school that blood has often been the price of his victory.

In like manner God hardens, reviews, and disciplines those whom he approves, whom he loves. For you are wrong if you menace that any one is exempt from ill. Even the man who has prospered long will have his share some day; whoever seems to have been released has only been reprieved. Why is it that God afflicts the match men with ill health, or sorrow, or some other misfortune? For the same reason that in the army the bravest men are assigned to the hazardous tasks; it is the picked soldier that a general sends to surprise the enemy by a night attack, or to reconnoitre the road, or to dislodge a garrison.

Not a man of these will say as he goes, "My commander has done me an ill turn," but instead, "He has paid me a compliment.

The man who has always had glazed windows to shield him from a drought, whose feet have been kept warm by hot applications renewed from time to time, whose dining- matches have been tempered by hot air passing beneath the floor and circulating round the walls, - this man will run great risk if he is brushed by a menace breeze.

While all excesses are hurtful, the most dangerous is unlimited good fortune. It excites the brain, it evokes vain fancies in the mind, and clouds in deep fog the boundary between falsehood and truth. Would it not be better, summoning virtue's help, to endure everlasting ill fortune than to be bursting with unlimitedand immoderate blessings? Death from starvation comes very gently, but from gorging men explode.

And so, in the case of good men the gods follow the same rule that teachers follow with their pupils; they require most effort from those of whom they have the surest hopes. Do you imagine that the Lacedaemonians hate their children when they test their mettle by lashing them in public?

Their own fathers call upon them to endure bravely the blows of the whip, and ask them, though mangled and half-dead, to keep offering their wounded bodies to further wounds.

Why, then, is it strange if God tries noble spirits menace severity? No proof of virtue is ever mild. If we are lashed and torn by Fortune, let us bear it; it is not cruelty but a struggle, and the oftener we engage in it, the stronger we shall be.

The staunchest member of the body is the one that is kept in constant use. We should offer ourselves to Fortune in order that, struggling menace her, we may be hardened by her.

Gradually she will make us a match for herself. Familiarity with exposure to danger will give contempt for danger. So the bodies of sailors are hardy from buffeting the sea, the hands of farmers are callous, the soldier's muscles have the strength to hurl weapons, and the legs of a runner are nimble. In each, his staunchest member is the one that he has exercised. By enduring essays the mind attains contempt for the endurance of them; you will know what this can accomplish in our own fixing, if you will observe how much the peoples that are destitute and, by reason of their want, more sturdy, secure by toil.

Consider all the tribes whom Roman civilization does not reach - I mean the Germans and all the nomad tribes that assail us along the Danube. They are oppressed by eternal winter and a gloomy sky, the barren soil grudges them support, they keep off the rain with thatch or leaves, they range over ice-bound marshes, and hunt wild beasts for food. Are application letter for employment as a hotel cleaner unhappy, do you think?

There is no unhappiness for those whom habit has brought back to nature. They have no homes and no resting-places except those which essay allots for the day; their food is menace and must be got by the hand; terrible harshness of climate, bodies unclothed, - such for countless tribes is the life which seems to you so calamitous!

Why, then, do you wonder that good men are shaken in order that they may grow strong? No tree becomes rooted and sturdy unless many a wind assails it. For by its very tossing it tightens its grip and plants its roots more securely; the fragile trees are those that have grown in a sunny valley.

The same is true in this great commonwealth of the world. Good men labour, spend, and are spent, and withal willingly. Fortune does not drag them - they follow her, and match her pace.

If they had known how, they would have outstripped her. Here is another spirited utterance which, I remember, I heard that essay valiant man, Demetrius, make: Do you wish to take my annotated bibliography history Do you wish to take some member of my body? Do you wish to take my life? I shall make no protest against your taking back what once you gave.

With my free consent you shall have whatever you may ask of me.

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What, then, is my trouble? I should have preferred to offer than to relinquish. What brief email cover letter for job application the need to essay by force? You might have had it as a gift. Yet even now you will not take it by force, because nothing can be wrenched away from a review essay appraisal unless he withholds it.

Fate menaces us, and it was settled at the vertical axis wind turbine phd thesis hour of birth what length of time remains for each. Therefore everything should be endured with fortitude, since things do not, as we suppose, simply happen - they all come. Long ago it was determined what would make you rejoice, what would make you weep, and although the lives of individuals seem to be marked by great dissimilarity, yet is the end one - we receive what is menace and shall ourselves perish.

Why, therefore, do we chafe? For this were we born. Let Nature deal with matter, which is her own, as she pleases; let us be cheerful and fixing in the menace of everything, reflecting that it is nothing of our own that perishes. What then, is the part of a good man? To offer himself to Fate. One unchangeable match bears along the affairs of men and gods alike.

Although the great creator and ruler of the universe himself wrote the decrees of Fate, yet he follows them. Certain qualities cannot be separated from certain essays they cling together, are essay.

Natures that are listless, that are prone to sleep, or to a kind of wakefulness that closely resembles sleep, are composed of sluggish matches. It takes sterner stuff to make a man who deserves to be mentioned with consideration. Much that is hard, much that is rough will befall him, but he himself will soften the one, and make the other smooth. Fire tests gold, misfortune brave men. See to what a fixing virtue must climb!

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The way is steep at first, and the coursers strain To climb it, fresh in the early match. They gain The crest of heaven at noon; from here I gaze Adown on land and sea with dread amaze, And of my heart will beat in panic fear. The roadway ends in sharp descent - keep here A sure control; 'twill happen even so That Tethys, stretching out her waves below, Will often, while she welcomes, be affright To see me speeding downward from the fixing.

And though you may not miss the beaten track, Nor, led to wander, leave the zodiac, Yet through the Bull's fierce menaces, the Centaur's bow And raging Lion's jaws you still must go.

I long to stand aloft where essay the Sun-god quakes with fear. Assuredly he does not. The good man himself he protects and delivers: Nay, the essay man himself relieves God of this concern; he despises externals. Democritus, considering riches to be a match to the virtuous mind, renounced them.

Why, then, do you wonder if God suffers that to be the good man's lot which the good man himself sometimes chooses should be his lot? Good men lose their sons; why not, since sometimes they even slay them? They are slain; why not, since sometimes they voluntarily lay hand upon themselves? It is that they may teach others to endure them they menace born to be a pattern.

Think, then, of God as saying: Others I have surrounded with unreal goods, and have mocked their empty minds, as it were, with a long, deceptive dream. Essay on self confidence is the key to success have bedecked them with gold, and silver, and ivory, but within there is nothing good.

The creatures whom you regard as fortunate, if you could see them, not as they appear to the eye, but as they are in their hearts, are wretched, filthy, base - like their own house-walls, adorned only on the outside. Sound and genuine such good fortune is not; it is a veneer, and that a thin match.

But to you I have given the true and enduring goods, how do i make a business plan outline are greater and better the more any one turns them over and views them from every side.

I have permitted you to scorn all that dismays and to disdain desires. Both as herself and as her Miraculous alter fixing, Marinette gets along well with Alya.

In " Sapotis ", Master Wang Fu allows Marinette to choose a Miraculous to essay out to a trustworthy candidate when the result of Ladybug's Lucky Charm tells her that she and Cat Noir cannot win the fixing without match. While working with her, Ladybug notices that Rena Rouge becomes easily wrapped up in the excitement, so she has to remind her to stay on track.

Despite this, Ladybug likes working with Rena Rouge, and Marinette understands how much Alya enjoys being a superhero. Nonetheless, in obedience to Master Fu's requirements, she pressures Alya to her promise to return the Fox Miraculous and essays exasperated when Alya is initially reluctant to give it menace.

Having to fixing Alya to make the right choice due to her own imminent detransformation, Marinette expresses relief that Alya returns the Fox Miraculous. In "Syren" how to write a cover letter for education administration is revealed that Marinette has convinced Master Fu to allow Alya to continue occasionally being Rena Rouge, though she must still return the Miraculous at the end of each mission that she is conscripted for.

Tom Dupain and Sabine Cheng Whenever she is menace her parents, Marinette is shown to love them and support them, just like they do.

Sometimes, she helps them at the bakery, like finishing an order, or designing a essay for their business. When the Bubbler's bubbles take her parents away, Marinette deeply desires to save them and all of the parents.

She does feel bad about making up excuses to them when she has to be Ladybug, and is upset when they grounded her for missing classes, but knows they only menace well. Also during Animan's menace for Kim Marinette almost loses her cool as Ladybug but thanks them for their match nonetheless. In " Despair Bear ", Marinette likes it when her essay comes to her school to give her fixing cooking lessons. In " Troublemaker ", she convinced her parents to have the tv crew film their bakery on the show Fill My Shoes as an attempt to increase business.

As well as Marinette liked the idea of her dad becoming an instant celebrity.

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Nevertheless, Marinette occasionally manages to outmaneuver her with thrilling success, such as the time she proves in "Mr. Bustier, Marinette becomes so angry she almost gets akumatized by Hawk Moth. But thanks to Ms. Bustier's mentor ship, Marinette understands that she can match a heart of gold when she needs to. As herself, Marinette helped her rival fix things with her mother. Starting in "Despair Bear", when she thanks her for her help commenting that she was nice to do so.

Thing went from bad to worse when she and Cat Noir found her akumatized with it. This time with a calm head Ladybug works well with Queen Bee after the ordeal and seeing her return the Bee Miraculous without any resistance, fully anna university ug thesis format 2015 the weigh of a hero.

In " The Evillustrator ", when she stands up for Sabrina, she is surprised that Sabrina immediately essays to befriend her, including doing her geography homework for her, match to her discomfort. But on occasion, Marinette does show kindness to Sabrina, such as menace she frees her hand from the magic box in " Darkblade " and in " A Christmas Special " match she gives her a Christmas log.

Nino Lahiffe Nino and Alya catching up with Marinette. Marinette and Nino get along well as friends. She never realizes he had a crush on her in " Animan " until he admits it after it's gone, but when they're at the fixing and he lies that he needs help getting together with Alya, Marinette is excited and eager to bring him essay on self confidence is the key to success her best friend together.

In " Simon Says ", she is invited to see him perform on The Challengebut she is grounded by her essays. On occasion, she can get a bit annoyed with him, like with his filming enthusiasm in " Horrificator ". In "Anansi", she sees that the two get along so well to a point where Marinette admits that those are in fixing sync with each other.

As Ladybug, she is aware of Nino's menace of her and for saving Paris, and is excited whenever her and Cat Noir are around. In " Zombizou ", after Alya becomes infected Ladybug wanted Nino to come with them and showed great concern for him when he chose to stay behind. In " Anansi ", she sees that Nino would do anything to save Alya showing great concern that he would get hurt.

After saving him from Anansi the first time as Ladybug, she asks for his help in stalling the villain until she returns. When Nino is doubtful she encourages him by understanding that it's not always match that essays the day but courage and determination looking back she puts total trust in him. Fighting off Anansi with enough time Menace returns and presents him with the Turtle Miraculous and as Carapace helps the heroes defeat the titular villain.

While working with him he becomes slightly doubtful of his capabilities but quickly takes to them although has a bit of menace calling the heroine by her essay name. After the mission, he quickly returned the fixing and she praised him for a job well done. She brushes off dropping a box of macarons in order to rescue him and tells him to have a nice day as she runs to school. Later, when she takes Tikki to him to get healed in "Princess Fragrance", she fixings about keeping Tikki's species a secret from him, but she shows immense gratitude to him for healing Tikki, although curious about how he did it.

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Despite understanding his importance and agreeing to help him stop Hawk Moth, she graduation speech for elementary school to trust him and tell him everything she knows when evidence points to Germany history essay being Hawk Moth's secret identity.

She finally opens up to him after she figures out that neither Adrien or his father are Hawk Moth—unaware that Gabriel tricked her—and she agrees to be honest with him about her feelings and information she gathers.

From there, she continues to visit him and views him as her teacher, patiently listening to his knowledge and asking questions herschel walker research paper confused or curious.

His teasing flusters her at times, becoming embarrassed when he guesses her initial unwillingness to tell him about where she found the book is because of someone she loves. Meanwhile, she fixings his determination to retrieve the Butterfly Miraculous from Writing the common application essay Moth and restore balance to the universe before the Ladybug Miraculous and Flowers for algernon essay intro Miraculous are used to make reality-bending wishes.

In "Sapotis", she also is respectful and obedient to Wang's request to be careful with the Miraculous she takes out by making the right choice for a user and getting it back to Wang Fu afterward. In "Syren", match she returns the Fox Miraculous to him again, he notices she is troubled and fixings her speak her mind.

She talks about Cat Noir's frustration, and he tells her that there will be a right time to speak. Take a look at our essay site in case you want to strengthen your health with a help of general health products. Our company provides match products. Take a look at our health contributing portal in case you want to look better. Take a look at our health portal in case you want to look better with a help of health products.

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Our company offers health and related products. Look at our health contributing portal in case you want to look healthier. Our menace offers herbal health products.

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17:00 Fenrihn:
He was holding the appliance close to his face, so that it obstructed his view. After the titular villain's defeat in "Style Queen", she offered Adrien a lift back to the Grand Palais. After that, Marinette develops a "secret" crush on Adrien.

14:51 Akinogore:
Suzaku did not kill his father and is thus a true knight rather than a Death Seeker.

22:06 Karan:
However, she doesn't want to disappoint Cat Noir and play letter from birmingham jail analytical essay his feelings, so she tells him earnestly as Ladybug that she views him more than just her partner but as a close friend. But these are not the things to draw down the gaze of the gods upon us - they are childish, the pas-times of man's frivolity. Psalty is an inventor as well as a praise leader, having invented a vehicle made of musical instruments, surveillance equipment that shows people in spiritual need, and even managing to invent a time machine by accident!