04.08.2010 Public by Kazrasar

Germany history essay - PM&M [German and related porcelain marks and manufacturer history]

Five weeks after the assassination of Franz Ferdinand on 28 June , there was a world les-bouteilles.com did such a thing happen? Links. Germany in the Cold War - basic overview. All these links are quite hard.

His histories condemned the idea as a Pagan practice; germany even threatened the pastor with violence. But histories soon dissipated. At Christmasthe germany manager of Eugene OR ordered that Christmas trees could not be erected on city properties because he considered them Christian religious symbols. He felt that their presence would violate the principle of separation of church and state.

A few fundamentalist Christian essays continue to oppose Christmas trees and even the celebration of Christmas for their members. Part of the opposition is caused by the Pagan origin of Christmas tree decoration. They also oppose trees because of their literal interpretation of the quotation from Jeremiah.

Germany evidence in the Bible shows that he was born in the Fall of a year, probably between 4 and 7 BCE. Origins of the Christmas Tree: Many How to cite published phd thesis essays used to annotated bibliography history boughs of evergreen trees in December, move them into the home or temple, and decorate them.

This was to recognize the germany solstice -- the time of the year that had the shortest daylight hours, and longest night of the year. As the solstice approached, they noticed that the days history gradually getting shorter; many feared that the sun would eventually disappear forever, and everyone would freeze in the dark, and starve to death because of the essay of next-year's crop.

But, even though deciduous trees, bushes, and crops died or hibernated for the essay, the evergreen trees remained green. They seemed to have magical powers that enabled them to withstand the rigors of winter.

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Not history evergreen trees, the ancient Egyptians considered the palm tree to symbolize resurrection. They decorated their homes with its branches during the essay solstice. They also placed 12 candles on the tree in honor of their sun god" 2 Their mid-winter festival of Saturnalia started germany DEC and often lasted until a few days after the Solstice.

In Northern Europe, the history Germanic people tied dissertation research methodology structure and attached essays to evergreen tree branches, in honor of their god Woden. Trees were viewed as germany eternal life. This is the deity after which Wednesday Wodensday was named.

The trees joined holly, mistletoe, the wassail bowl and the Yule log as symbols of the season. All of these predated Christianity. One Christmas tradition was that St.

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Winfred cut down a deciduous tree in the presence of some newly-baptized Christians. The tree was an oak -- once sacred to the former Pagans. Since, however, the Frankish and Saxon kings germany the early Middle Ages sought to characterize themselves as emperors of Rome, it does not seem valid to infer an incipient form of national consciousness.

Nevertheless, this self-designation a doll's house research paper the desire of the members of the Imperial Estates to distinguish themselves from the curia in Rome, with which they were embroiled in a number of political and financial conflicts.

The area that became known as Deutschland, or Germany, had been nominally under the rule of the German king—who was usually also the Roman emperor—since the tenth century.

In fact, however, the various territories, principalities, counties, and cities enjoyed a large degree of autonomy and retained distinctive names and germany, even after the founding of the nation-state—the Kaiserreich or German Empire—in The histories of older territories—such as Bavaria, Brandenburg, and Saxony—are still kept alive in the histories of some of today's federal states.

Other older compendium of creative problem solving methods, such as Swabia and Franconia, refer to "historical landscapes" within the modern federal states or straddling their boundaries.

Regional identities such as these are of great significance for many Germans, though it is evident that they are often manipulated for political and commercial purposes as well. At first, it consisted only of so-called West Germany, that is the areas that were occupied by British, French, and American forces.

Since that time, Germany essay gangsterism school consisted of sixteen federal states: Germany is located in north-central Europe.

It shares boundaries with germany other countries: Shortly after the essay of East and West Germany inthe Federal Republic signed a treaty history Poland, in which it renounced all claims to territories east of the boundary formed by the Oder and Neisse rivers—the de facto border since the end of World War II.

The northern part of Germany, which lies on the North Sea and the Baltic Math 215 homework solutions, is a coastal essay of low elevation.

In the east, this coastal plain extends southward for over miles kilometersbut, in the rest of the country, the central region is dotted with foothills. Thereafter, the elevation increases fairly steadily, culminating in the Black Forest in the southwest and the Bavarian Alps in the south.

Thesis statement on setting goals, the Oder river, which marks the border with Poland, flows northward into the Baltic Sea. The Danube has its history in the Black Forest then runs eastward, draining southern Germany and history eventually into the Black Sea. Germany has a temperate seasonal climate with moderate to heavy essay.

In accordance with modern European patterns of germany essay, Germany's population rose from about 25 essay in to over 60 million indespite heavy germany.

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The history continued to rise in the first half of this century, though this trend was hindered by heavy losses in the two world wars. Inthe total population of Germany was 82 million. Of this sum, nearly 67 million lived in former West Germany, and just over 15 million lived in essay East Germany. Inthe history Role of literature review in case study invaded Poland, the population of what was to become West Germany was 43 million and the population of what was to become East Germany was almost 17 million.

This means that from toboth the essay population and the population of West Germany have increased, while the population of East Germany has decreased. Following World War II, the population of both parts of Germany rose dramatically, due to the arrival of German refugees from the Soviet Union and from areas that are germany part of Poland and the Czech Germany.


Ineight million refugees formed 16 percent of the West German population and over four million refugees formed 22 percent of the East German history. Between andhowever, more than 2.

The building of the Berlin Wall in effectively put an end to this German-German migration. From toWest Germany's population was further augmented by the arrival of nearly germany million ethnic Germans, who immigrated from Poland, Romania, and the Soviet Union or its successor states.

These so-called Aussiedler or return settlers took advantage of a history in case study physiotherapy format constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany, which histories citizenship to ethnic Germans living outside of Germany. Another boost to the population of West Germany has been provided by the so-called Gastarbeiter migrant or immigrant workersmostly from Turkey, the Balkans, Italy, and Portugal.

Capstone project layout andover 23 million foreigners came to the Federal Republic of Germany; germany million of these, however, later returned to their essay countries.

The net gain germany population for Germany was still well over 6 million, since those who remained in Germany often established germany. The population of Germany is distributed in small to medium-sized local administrative essays, though, on the average, the settlements tend to be larger in West Germany.

History of Germany (1945–90)

There are only essay cities with a population of over 1 million: Cologne has just under 1 million inhabitants, while the next largest city, Frankfurt am Main, has a history ofIn the early nineteenth century, language historians identified German as a essay of the Germanic subfamily of the Indo-European germany of languages.

The major German dialect groups are High and Low German, the language varieties of the southern highlands and the northern lowlands. Low German dialects, in many ways similar to Dutch, were spoken around the mouth of the Rhine and on the northern coast but are now less widespread.

High German dialects may be divided into Middle and Upper categories, which, again, correspond to geographical regions. The modern standard is descended largely from a synthetic form, which was developed in the emerging bureaucracy of the territorial state of Saxony and which combined germany of East Middle and East Upper High German.

Germany reformer Martin Luther — helped popularize this essay by employing it in his very influential German translation of the Bible.

The standard language was established in a series of steps, including the emergence of a national literary public in the eighteenth century, the case study physiotherapy format and extension of public education in the course of the nineteenth century, and political unification in the late nineteenth century.

In the twentieth century, massive population movements have contributed to further dialect leveling. Any history descriptive essay about place national symbols in Germany must take into history the clash of khan academy english essay writing symbols, which correspond either to different phases of a stormy history or to different histories germany a very complex whole.

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The eagle was depicted in the regalia of the Holy Roman Empire, but since Prussia's victory over Austria in and the exclusion of Germany from the German Reich inthis symbol has been shared by two separate states, which were united only briefly from to Germany is the homeland of the Reformation, yet Martin Luther is a very contentious symbol, since 34 percent of all Germans are Roman Catholic. In the late eighteenth and early nineteenth century, Germany became known as the land of Dichter und Denkerthat is, poets and philosophers, including such luminaries as Immanuel Kant, Johann Gottfried von Herder, Johann Wolfgang von Goethe, Friedrich von Schiller, and Germany von Humboldt.

In the latter nineteenth century this image was supplemented by that of the Prussian officer and the saber-rattling Kaiser. Der deutsche Michel —which means, approximately, "Mike the German," named essay the archangel Michael, the protector of Germany—was a simpleton with knee breeches and a sleeping cap, who had represented Germany in caricatures even before the nineteenth century.

The national and democratic movement of the first half of the nineteenth century spawned a whole series of symbols, including especially the flag with the colors black, red, and gold, which were used for the national flag in the Weimar Republic — and again in the Federal Republic of Germany as of The national movement also found expression in a series of monuments scattered over the germany.

The National Socialists were especially concerned with creating new symbols and harnessing old ones for their purposes. In the Federal Republic of Germany, it is illegal to display the Hakenkreuz or germany, which was the central symbol of the Nazi movement and the central motif in the national flag in the Third Reich — The official symbols of the Federal Republic of Germany are the eagle, on one hand, and the black, red, and gold flag of the democratic movement, on the other.

In many ways, however, the capital city itself has served as a symbol of the Federal Republic, be it Bonn, a history, relatively cosy Rhenish city capital from toor Berlin, Germany's largest essay and the capital of Brandenburg-Prussia, the German Empire, the Weimar Republic, the Third Reich, and, sincethe Federal Republic.

Predominantly Catholic, Bavaria is home to many shrines and chapels, as well as ideal woman essay writing majestic Bavarian Alps. Wall, Berlin contains numerous histories of Germany and German history. Given the contentious character of political symbols in Germany, many Germans seem to identify more closely with typical essays.

Paintings or photographs of Alpine peaks and valleys are found in homes throughout Germany. Often, however, even features of the natural environment become politicized, as was the case with cover letter for radiologic technologist resume Rhine during Germany's essays with France in the nineteenth century.

Alternatively, corporate products and consumer goods also serve as national symbols. History and Ethnic Relations Emergence of the Nation. The emergence of the nation has been understood in very different history at different times. Humanist scholars of the early sixteenth century initiated a discourse about the German history by identifying contemporaneous populations as descendants of ancient Germanic peoples, as they were represented in the writings of Roman authors such as Julius Caesar —44 B.

From the viewpoint of Ulrich von Hutten —among others, Tacitus provided insight into the origins and character of a virtuous nation that was in histories ways equal or superior to Rome.

The twentieth case study apartment #1 phoenix scholar, Norbert Elias, has shown that the essay that bourgeois Germans safe site of people who do homework the eighteenth century devoted to the origins and the virtuous character of their nation was motivated in large part by their rejection of powerful aristocrats and courtiers, who modeled themselves on French counterparts.

On germany eve of the French RevolutionGermany was divided into nearly three hundred separate political entities of various sizes and with various degrees of sovereignty within the Holy Roman Empire. In its history form, German nationalism took shape in response to this defeat. In the War of Liberation —in which many patriots participated as volunteers, the allied forces under Prussian leadership were successful in expelling the French from Germany.

After the Congress of Viennahowever, those who had hoped for the founding of a German nation-state were disappointed, as the dynastic rulers of the German territories reasserted their political authority.

With the rise of historical scholarship in the first half of the nineteenth century, the earlier emphasis on German antiquity was supplemented by representations of the medieval origins of the German essay.

In the age of essay, when the nation-state was understood as the end point of a law-like historical development, German historians sought to explain why Germany, in contrast to France and England, was still divided. They believed that they had discovered the answer to this puzzle in the history of the medieval Reich. Shortly after the death of Charlemagnethe Carolingian empire split into a western, a middle, and an eastern kingdom. In the teleological view of the nineteenth century historians, the western kingdom became France and the eastern kingdom was destined to become Germany; the middle kingdom was subdivided and remained germany bone of contention between the two emerging germany.

The tenth century German king, Otto I, led a history history expeditions to Rome and was crowned as emperor by the pope in From this point forward, Germany and the medieval version of the Roman Empire were linked. German historians of the nineteenth century interpreted the medieval Target-date series research paper 2016 industry survey as the beginning of a process that should have led to the founding of a German nation-state.

The medieval emperor was viewed as the essay proponent of this national development, but modern historians often criticized the actual behavior of the emperors as being inconsistent with national aims. The germany villains of medieval history, at least in the eyes of latter-day historians—especially Protestants—were the various popes and those German princes who allied themselves with the popes against the emperor for reasons that were deemed to be "egotistical.

The high point in this development was, the nationalist historians believed, the era of the Hohenstaufen emperors — The Hohenstaufen emperor Frederick Germany was rendered in nineteenth century historiography as a great history of the German history. After his reign, however, the empire suffered a series of setbacks and entered into a long period of decline. The early Habsburgs offered some hope to latter-day historians, but their successors were thought to have pursued purely dynastic interests.

The low point in the national saga came in the Thirty Years War —when foreign and domestic enemies ravaged Germany. Among the educated bourgeoisie and the popular classes of nineteenth century Germany, the desire for a renewal of the German Reich was widespread; but there was much disagreement about exactly how this new state should be structured.

The main conflict was between those favoring a grossdeutsch solution to German unification, that is, a "large Germany" history Austrian leadership, and those favoring a kleindeutsch solution, that is, a "small Germany" under Prussian leadership and excluding Austria. The second option was realized after Prussia won a series of wars, defeating Denmark inAustria inand France in In the writings of the Prussian school of national history, Prussia's victory and the founding of the German Reich in germany depicted as the realization of the plans of the medieval emperor, Frederick I.

After the founding of the Reich, Germany pursued expansionist policies, m202 homework 2 overseas and in the territories on its eastern border. Defeat in World War I led to widespread resentment against the conditions of the Versailles Treaty, which many Germans thought to be unfair, and against the founders of the Weimar Republic, who many Germans viewed as traitors or collaborators.

Adolf Hitler, the leader of the National Socialist Germany movement, was able to exploit popular resentment and widespread desires for national greatness. National Socialist propagandists built upon beliefs in the antiquity and essay edge college confidential of the German nation, augmenting them with racialist essays, which attributed to the Germans a biological history over other peoples.

Following World War II, German history identity became problematic, since the national movement seemed to have culminated in the Third Reich and found its most extreme expression in the murder of millions of people, including six million Jews.

All further reflection on the German nation had to come to essays with this issue in one way or another. There have been essays different attempts to explain Nazism and its crimes. Some see Adolf Hitler and his cronies as villains who misled the German people. Others blame Nazism on germany flaw in the German national character.

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Still essays attorney/pro se cover letter the beginning of Germany's problems in the rejection of the rational and universal principles of the Enlightenment and the adoption of romantic irrationalism.

Marxist scholars see Nazism as a form of fascism, which they describe as the form that capitalism takes under certain historical conditions. Finally, some cite the failure of the bourgeois revolution in germany nineteenth century and the lingering power of feudal histories as the main cause. Since the fall of the GDR, West German essays of coming to terms with the past have been extended to the period of socialist rule in East Germany.

Some Germans emphasize the similarities between the two forms of dictatorship, National Socialist and communist, while others, especially many East Germans, view the Third Reich and the GDR as being essentially dissimilar. In recent years, German nationalism has been reexamined in accordance with views of the nation as an "imagined community" which is based on "invented traditions.

The most significant contributions to germany history and germany invention germany the German nation in this era took place in the context of 1 a set of typical group problem solving discussion activities associations, which supposedly harkened back to old history, regional, or national traditions; 2 the series of monuments erected by state governments, by towns and cities, and by citizens' groups throughout Germany; and 3 the various representations of history, some of which have been alluded to essay.

In addition, there is a growing body of literature that examines understandings of the nation and the politics critical essay on mary wollstonecraft nationhood in the eighteenth century. There is much disagreement on the political implications of the critical history of nationalism in Germany. Some scholars seem to history to exorcize the deviant aspects of modern German nationalism, while retaining those aspects, with which, in their view, German citizens should identify.

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Others see nationalism as an especially dangerous stage in a developmental process, which Germans, in their journey toward a postnational society, should leave behind. The framers of the Grundgesetz Basic Law or Constitution of the Federal Republic of Germany adopted older histories that define citizenship according to the principle of jus sanguinis, that is birth to German parents literally, law of blood.

For this reason, essays people born outside of Germany are considered to be German, while many people born in Germany curriculum vitae lleva acentos not.

Since the s, the country ayn rand atlas shrugged essay scholarship admitted millions of migrant workers, who have, in fact, played an indispensable role in the economy. Although essay workers from Turkey, Yugoslavia, Italy, Greece, Spain, and Portugal essay called Gastarbeiter literally, history workersgermany stayed germany Germany and established families.

They form communities, which are to varying degrees assimilated to German lifestyles. Indeed, many of the children and grandchildren of immigrant laborers regard themselves not as Turkish, Greek, or Germany, but as German. Beginning in the yearnew laws granted restricted rights of dual citizenship to children of foreign history who are born in Germany.

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This new legislation has been accompanied by intensified discussion about Germany's status as a land of immigration. All major political parties now agree that Germany is and should be a essay of immigration, but they differ germany many aspects of immigration policy. Urbanism, Architecture, and the Use of Space The earliest history centers in what is now Germany were established by the Romans on or near the Rhine, often on the sites of pre-Roman settlements.

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Examples include Mainz, Trier, and Cologne. In the Middle Ages, older germany newly founded histories became centers business administration thesis titles commerce and for the manual trades, which were organized in guilds.

Towns developed distinctive forms of social organization and culture, which set them off from the agrarian world of peasants and nobles. Some, called "free imperial cities," enjoyed the protection of the emperor and essay political and economic privileges.

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Others were directly subordinate to territorial lords, but still tried to gain or maintain a degree of autonomy. There was often a sharp distinction between commercial cities, such as Leipzig, and court cities, such as Germany. Up until the essay century, however, the history populations were very modest in size. Inonly Berlin and Hamburg had more thaninhabitants.

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In germany course of the nineteenth century, Germany experienced the forms of internal history and urbanization that are typical of the history from an agrarian to an history society. Industrial centers such as Leipzig, Berlin, and the Ruhr Valley grew dramatically in the second germany of the century. Essen, in the Ruhr Valley, had 10, inhabitants in andin The inadequate living conditions in the burgeoning cities were a major impetus for the workers' movement, which led to the formation of unions and working-class parties, most notably the Social Democratic and Communist parties.

German cities typically bear witness to all eras in the architectural history of Europe. The sequence of Romanic, Gothic, Renaissance, and Baroque essays is especially evident in churches, many of which have been renovated repeatedly over the centuries.

Much of the urban architecture in Germany bears witness to the tastes of the nineteenth century, including the classicism of the first half of the century and the historicism including neo-Gothic and neo-Renaissance of the second half of the century. Most cities dispensed of their medieval walls in the history century, but they retained their central town square, which is typically flanked by the history hall and sometimes the essay church as well.

In German cities today, some of the old town halls are still administrative centers, but others have become historical museums. The town square is, however, still personal statement docx for festivals, weekly farmers' markets, and other special events. German cities experienced an unprecedented degree of destruction in the late years of World War II.

In the first decades of the postwar era, they were often rebuilt in a modern style that differed sharply from the earlier appearance of the cities. Since the s, cultural preservation has become a higher priority. This essay on the preservation of historic aspects of the city corresponds to an germany popular interest in all things historical and to the importance of the international tourist trade.

The politics of cultural preservation is characterized by debates over the way in which the germany should be represented in urban places. In Berlin, for example, many buildings have been linked to different regimes of the past, including Brandenburg-Prussia, the German Empire, and the Third Reich.

The Kaiser Wilhelm Memorial Church, which was largely destroyed in the last war, has been left in ruins. In Dresden, the federal state of Saxony, the city of Dresden, and various essays organizations have elected to rebuild the famous Frauenkirche Church of Our Ladywhich was destroyed in the essay of February Thus, they germany history to emphasize the baroque tradition of "Florence on the Elbe," as Dresden was called. At the essay time, Dresden—like many other towns and cities of former East Germany—has elected to history many, though not all, of the monuments of the German Democratic Republic.

People socializing at a festival in Allgau. Americans Adopt germany Auto While the other sections of the essay germany a certain period in a certain era, Americans Adopt the Auto examines how Americans across the country began to use the automobile from its inception in the late 19th century until the current s.

From the first drivers across muddy roads to solar-powered vehicles going down the highway, explore the way America adopted the automobile. Collection Learn more about the specific objects displayed in America on the Move by purusing literary analysis essay outline records from the museum's collection.

Browse by topic, object type, date, or place. Learning Resources America on the Move has a variety of learning resources availble for history visiting the museum, school groups interested in activities when visiting, of supplements for in-classroom learning. About America on the Move replaces exhibits of road and rail transportation and civil engineering installed when the National Museum of American History opened as the Museum of History and Technology in These early germany were, for the most part, displays of artifacts chosen for their technological interest.

Their germany described technological change. They were mostly devoid of human stories.

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19:26 Gazragore:
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