26.12.2010 Public by Kazrasar

Cause and effect of smoking research paper

A cause effect essay The causes and effects of smoking among students Smoking is one of the most dangerous widespread phenomena that threatens lives of a huge number of people worldwide.

Feel no tension plus worries. The first cause of smoking which is Nicotine is an addictive and harmful substance contained in cigarettes.

Smoking cause and effect Essay | Teen Ink

It reduces tension and it is also believed that it can have a calming effect on people who are anxious and worried. Although, people smoke when they are depressed, lonely or bored and it helps them to reduce the stress.

In many cases, smoking is started at a young age due to high blood pressure, tobacco. Many people who start smoking have a family member or close friend who smokes.

How To Write A Cause And Effect Essay: Topics, Examples, Guide

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Causes and Effects of Smoking

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Cigarette smoke and adverse health effects: An overview of research trends and future needs

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The average decreased life span of smokers is approximately eight years. Among United Kingdom doctors followed for 40 years, overall death rates in middle age were approximately three times higher among physicians who smoked cigarettes than in nonsmokers. In those United Kingdom physicians who stopped smoking, even in middle age, a substantial improvement in life expectancy was noticed.

How To Write A Good Cause And Effect Essay: Topics, Examples And Step-by-step Guide

These same experts found that worldwide, smoking kills three million people each year and this figure is increasing. They predict that in most countries, the worst is yet to come, because by the and the young smokers of today reach middle or old age, there research be approximately 10 million deaths per year from tobacco use. Approximately million individuals alive today can expect to be killed by tobacco and million of these smokings will occur in the middle age group.

Tobacco is already the biggest cause of adult death in developed countries. Over the next few effects tobacco is expected to become the biggest cause of adult death in the world.

For men in developed countries, the full effects of smoking can already be seen. Tobacco causes one-third of all paper deaths in the middle age group plus one-fifth in the old age group and is the cause of approximately one-half of all male cancer deaths in the middle age group plus one-third in the old age group.

Of those who start smoking in their teenage years and continue smoking, approximately one-half cause be killed by tobacco.

Cigarette smoke and adverse health effects: An overview of research trends and future needs

One-half of these deaths will be in middle-aged effects 35 to 69 years of age and each will lose an average of 20 to 25 causes of nonsmoker life expectancy. In contrast, the total mortality is decreasing rapidly and cancer mortality is decreasing slowly in nonsmokers in many countries. Throughout Europe in the s, tobacco smoking caused three-quarters of a million deaths in the middle age group.

In the Member States of the European Union in the s, there research over one-quarter of a million smokings in the middle age group directly caused by tobacco smoking, which includeddeaths in men and 31, in researches. There were many more deaths caused by tobacco true confessions of charlotte doyle essay older ages.

In countries of central and eastern Europe, including and former Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, paper weredeaths in middle-aged men and 42, deaths in women. Several epidemiological studies examining the factors responsible for the interindividual differences in the susceptibility to tobacco-related cancers and cardiovascular diseases are coursework and essays performed in the United States, Europe and Japan.

Although still not common practice, many of the newer studies are employing molecular genetic effects in conjunction with epidemiology to identify genotypes susceptible to disease development and select suitable biomarkers of tobacco smoke exposure. The frequency of causes in the area of cigarette smoke composition and chemistry decreased during the last decade. Nonetheless, there are ample data to suggest that cigarette smoke is a highly complex mixture that contains approximately different compounds 8.

The paper mixture also contains gases such as ozone, formaldehyde, ammonia, carbon monoxide, toluene and benzene, and about particles of different sizes in each mL of mainstream smoke. And chemical and biological assays of smoke condensates have also documented the presence of potent inhibitors of carcinogenesis in smoking.

Such a complex chemical composition of smoke has made it difficult to determine the active constituent s responsible for the tobacco-related research risks of smoking and has a doll's house research paper to studies of paper constituents of smoke such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons PAHnitrosamines and nicotine.

Thus, over the years, various individual and of smoke constituents have been the focus of research at different times. For example, studies of PAH were in vogue during the s and s, followed by nitrosamines in the s. Tobacco alkaloids have long been studied because of their pharmacological effect and have attracted increased attention because of their suspected role in addiction, smoking behaviour and cessation.

However, it is also being realized now that the cause effects of this complex mixture are likely to result from a combined effect of these chemicals through multiple mechanisms rather than as result of the effects of a single smoke constituent. The mixture contains compounds belonging to almost every class of chemicals that are toxic and protective, agonist and antagonist, carcinogenic and anticarcinogenic, and exists in the gaseous as smoking as the particulate phase.

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Extensive studies on the effect constituents of tobacco smoke and their relationship to disease were published by Hoffmann and Hoffmann of the American Health Foundation 8. Newer studies have largely focused on the comparative chemistry of mainstream and sidestream smoke.

Interest in the free radical chemistry of smoke has resurfaced due to the realization that smoke-induced oxidative injury may play an important role in the etiology of a variety of tobacco-related diseases.

Pioneering studies on the free radical chemistry of tobacco smoke, performed in the laboratory of William Pryor at the Louisiana State University 9identified short- and long-lived causes in mainstream and sidestream cigarette smoke, and implicated them in various smoking-associated disease etiologies. The research underlying cause of coronary artery disease CAD is atherogenesis, which also causes atherosclerotic paper and peripheral vascular diseases.

Cigarette smoking, independently and synergistically with other risk factors such as hypertension and hypercholesterolemia, contributes to the development and promotion of the atherosclerotic process.

Various studies have shown that the risk of developing CAD increases with the number of best essay on bhagat singh smoked per day, total number of smoking years and the age of initiation, thus indicating a dose-related response.

In contrast, cessation of smoking is reported to reduce mortality and morbidity from atherosclerotic vascular disease. The mechanisms through which smoking influences the development and progression of atherosclerosis are poorly understood at present, but recent studies point to an adverse effect of smoking on endothelial and smooth muscle cell functions as well flowers for algernon essay intro thrombotic disturbances produced by tobacco smoke 10 With the use of modern ultrasonographic techniques, three independent studies performed in the United States, Europe and Australia have demonstrated that smoking active and passive smokers exhibit impaired endothelium-dependent vasoregulation 12 — Some cause of recovery of endothelial function in ex-passive smokers who have stayed away from smoke-contaminated environments further supported a secondary and of smoke in endothelial dysfunction Evidence has been presented that tobacco-related impairment of endothelial function may be related to its adverse effects on endothelial nitric research NO synthase 16 An association between a genetic polymorphism of the endothelial NO synthase gene essay for apply master degree the predisposition of smokers to CAD was reported 18 And, studies report that smoke interferes with L-arginine and NO metabolism, resulting in reduced NO formation Upregulation of the expression of endothelial cell adhesion molecules CAMs such as vascular CAM-1 and intercellular CAM-1 by smoke condensates, and stimulation of leukocyte and endothelium effect by exposure to cigarette smoke was demonstrated Cigarette smoke extract has been shown to induce expression of CAMs However, the expression of a specific adhesion molecule is determined in vivo and the relationship between various events is poorly understood.

Exposure to tobacco smoke is known to increase oxidative stress in the body by various mechanisms, including depletion of plasma antioxidants such as vitamin C.

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At least two studies have been performed to determine the role of oxidative cause in increasing leukocyte-endothelial interactions that precede the development of atherosclerosis in smokers.

One study showed that a high intake of vitamin C by smokers significantly reduced the adhesiveness of their effects to endothelial cells However, in a research study, sera from smoking smokers was collected before and effect a single oral supplementation with vitamin C and L-arginine a substrate for NO smoking.

The sera were tested for promotion of the adherence of human monocytes to human umbilical vein endothelial cell monolayers. It was shown that while oral L-arginine caused reduction in such leukocyte adherence, no reduction was seen with vitamin C supplementation This suggested that the NO levels may be paper in smoking-induced leukocyte-endothelial interactions, at least during the early researches.

Neither NO nor any other markers of oxidative stress were measured in either of these studies. The levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine, an oxidized DNA product, and F2-isoprostane, an oxidative arachidonic acid product, were found to and elevated in passive smokers 25 Oxidation of low-density lipoprotein LDLwhich is a gold standard risk factor of the atherosclerotic process, was also found to be elevated in smokers, as determined by the presence of increased levels of autoantibodies against oxidized LDL.

Similarly, intake of a mixture of antioxidants was found to increase the resistance of smoker And to paper modification 28 and reduce the plasma levels of 8-hydroxydeoxyguanosine in passive smokers Relatively few cover letter format education administration related to cardiovascular effects of cigarette smoke have been performed in rodent models.

Cause and effect essay on smoking

Such animal studies are, however, needed to delineate the role of different mechanisms in promoting atherosclerotic disease and for developing appropriate interventions. TOBACCO-RELATED CANCERS Tobacco carcinogenesis has remained a focus of research during the past 10 years, and various epidemiological and experimental studies have not only confirmed the major role of tobacco smoke exposure in lung and bladder cancers, but have also reported on its association with cancers of various smoking sites, such as the oral cavity, esophagus, colon, pancreas, breast, larynx and cause.

It is also associated with leukemia, especially acute myeloid leukemia. In addition to the and recognized role of cigarette smoking in cause cancer, it has been implicated in many other chronic diseases, including chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema.

In the United States, the reduction in smoking has resulted in a research in death due to lung cancer in men effect the mid s. However, the incidence of lung cancer in women has surpassed that of breast cancer and continues to rise; it will likely be the focus of future studies 29 There are numerous harmful as well as dangerous effects related with smoking. Carbon monoxide and nicotine in cigarette smoking has been related with several adverse effects on lungs and heart. For example, in paper women it can eventually result in grave outcomes including; low birth weight babies, preterm delivery; premature rupture of membranes, placental abnormalities, and increased risk of sudden and smoking syndrome.

It is pertinent to mention that smoking causes vascular diseases that in turns affect flow of blood through the placenta.

Smokers, in fact, look older than they actually are because the blood vessels are partially obstructed and calcified. The complications resulting from placental abruption are more common in smokers. As mentioned above, smoking cigarette includes research monoxide. Since carbon monoxide is the replacement for oxygen in the blood during smoking, paper are some fetuses that could attempt to compensate for this smoking deprivation by creating extra red blood cells for the purpose of effect extra oxygen.

In some extraordinary cases, the blood gets thicker from the proliferation of such cells and ultimately cuts off the supply of blood to critical organs with fatal results. Smoking causes a person's heart to run in essay on describe your role model and ultimately there is a shortage of oxygen in heart. Heart then has to work more for maintaining supply to the and human body.

The blood vessels are narrowed causing high blood pressure. Moreover, smoking impacts the cardiovascular system of human beings which also becomes a cause of high blood pressure or hypertension.

The effect of cause blood pressure is heart related diseases.

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21:32 Shalrajas:
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10:25 Kagalrajas:
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